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    January 3, 2011
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    January 3, 2011
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GhostBehindU's Reviews
 LEGO Ninjago: Skull Motorbike(2259)
LEGO Ninjago: Skull Motorbike(2259)
Battle Chopov to retrieve the nunchucks of lightening!
4 / 5
4 / 5
Good, but ehh
Posted:January 3, 2011
Customer Avatar
From: Los Angeles, California
From:  United States
Age: 14-18
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Play Experience: 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money: 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
" This Lego set is detailed, fun and has many unique pieces. I guess only Ninjago fans would like this, other lego fans wouldn't find this very fun because it's like a Ninjago collecting set.
-Unique pieces
-Awesome minifigures and weapons
-It's weird to have a motorcycle for a ninja style theme.
Overall, it's a pretty descent set. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
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