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 LEGO Agents: Mission 4: Speedboat Rescue
LEGO Agents: Mission 4: Speedboat Rescue
Agent Trace has been captured by Dr. Inferno's henchman Break Jawand he's about to feed her to his laser-guided cyborg sharks! As a LEGO Agent, it's your mission to save Trace with the help of your gadget-loaded super-spy speedboat. Detach the mini-sub and take Break Jaw by surprise! Includes Agent Trace, Agent Chase and Break Jaw minifigures, plus 2 sharks! Launch the flick-fire missiles attached to the sharks! Use the net shooter to stop the sharks! Detach the mini sub from the speedboat! Fire the speedboat's harpoon and use it as a zipline to save Agent Trace! Open the sides of the speedboat! Watch out for Break Jaw and his jetski! Speedboat measures 10" (27cm) long and 5" (13cm) wide!
5 / 5
5 / 5
Posted:February 9, 2009
Customer Avatar
From: Mobile mission command center.
Play Experience: 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money: 
5 / 5
5 / 5
" This is a GREAT set! I got it for my b-day, and I LOVED it! The sharks are great! You can really fit a minifigure in thier stomachs! The missils on the boat and sharks work very well, with the exception of the missle with the rope attatched. It's hard to get it right to fire very well, that's all. Trace can be scared or be normal!! Chase should have his glasses on, but that's okay. I like the way that you can push the button on the back of the tower and Break Jaw's jetski shoots out. The net works well, and so does detatching the minisub! Plus, if you detatch the minisub, THEY ALL FLOAT!!!
All in all a GREAT set!
I would recommend this to a friend!
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