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5 of 9
 Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!
Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!
Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!
Posted:July 5, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Classic Space meets today's Lego
" I too grew up during the time of the Alpha 1 Rocket Base and the Galaxy Explorer, unfortunately now long gone.
This spaceship will easily revive some good memories for those times, as the color scheme, space logo, and presentation recall the period of time known as Classic Space. That enough would have been a reason for me to get this set, but there is much more it has going for it.
The most important thing is that I can share that experience with my boys. They get to play with the spaceship, under a watchful eye of course. A dad with his two sons playing with a spaceship that bridges both generations is a special Lego experience indeed.
The minifigures are good. You have Benny, although I wish they had provided an alternate torso and helmet to produce a lower mileage version of him. Not a big deal though. Wyldstyle wears a space outfit, and you get Emmet disguised as a robot with a unique metallic piece of resistance. There is a bad guy robot who pilots the smaller but interesting bad guy ship which comes with the set. Then, you have a version of Unikitty in a space suit. There is a place for her to sit on the ship, and it even has a brace to keep her seated in position.
The ship has lots of playability and features. You have flick fire missiles in addition to some other projectiles which can fire as well. Watch out for the two yellow ones, they can be strong! There is a cockpit compartment which seats three. You also have a control room with a removable roof. The "power source" is interesting and can be found there. The big wings can be made to expand further using a control function. Also, you have two detachable small ships at the wing tips. There is also a radar dish that can be raised to reveal two robots below it. Needless to say, the ship can keep kids busy for a long time.
Overall, I am really impressed with the build and the modern day touch and creativity in the instructions. The only thing I really did not like were the stickers. They can be hard to realign if you need to do so, and there are quite a few. Some of the space logo pieces are printed, which is a plus. This should be a popular set, and is worth getting for both display and play value. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Son
Build Time:
03 hrs
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1found this review helpful.
 Ghostbusters™ Ecto-1
Ghostbusters™ Ecto-1
Ghostbusters™ Ecto-1
Posted:June 7, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Lots of fun
" This is my first time purchasing a Lego Ideas/Cuusoo set. I am not disappointed!
The packaging is attractive, and the flip open box is useful to save. However, the build and actual model are even more impressive. The four minifigures are well designed with unique printing to identify each character. They all come with two faces, one normal and one scared look. All have identical proton packs. You also have the accessories of two walkie talkies and a trap for the ghosts. After the minifigures are assembled, you build a stand in order to display the four ghostbusters.
The car, Ecto 1, is amazing. i salute the designers who came up with this. There are some fascinating building techniques which I learned from putting this together. Lots of small pieces are used in order to really capture some of the detail of the car. The completed model is instantly recognizable. I really enjoy the printed ghostbuster logo curved slopes as well as the license plates. There are some pieces which would be seen as highly desirable in using on other creations as well. Silver metallic parts are always a bonus. This will be mostly a display piece. Those who remember the movie when it came out in the 1980s will probably be the main target audience, although people of all ages will enjoy the build. I will let my kids play with it if they are careful ;)
The size is compatible enough with the minifigure to set some of them inside the car. For those who are building their own towns and like creating scenes, the car is the right scale to accompany modulars and your vehicle collection from City, Lego Movie, etc.
The thought that went into this design is evident as is the detail and fond memory of a very entertaining film in the memorable decade of the 1980s. Dont let this one pass you by! "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Self
Build Time:
01 hrs
Build Time:
30 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
3of 3found this review helpful.
 Trash Chomper
Trash Chomper
Trash Chomper
Posted:March 16, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Fun vehicle builds
" This is our third 2-1 Lego Movie build, and we enjoyed putting this model together. This makes a good gift, or an excellent addition to a city layout.
The minifigures are good. As with the other 2 in 1's, you get three: two with a profession associated with the vehicle, and a third citizen who is mainly being harassed by the robotic micromanager. In this case, you get two trash collectors and one chef. The chef has only one facial expression (scared).
Of the three micromanagers we have collected so far, this one is the favorite. It balances well on tripod feed, has four flick fire missiles, and it can open its flaps on two sides. This one is certainly very maneuverable and posable.
The trash chomper is very creative, as it appears to be a machine with teeth capable of gobbling up the micromanager. There are several stickers associated with a recycling vehicle. The flying vehicle build seems more challenging than the regular recycling truck, although both versions are fun to try. The recycling truck fits in our growing city.
The strength of the set is that it offers two different ways of using your pieces to build something. The Lego Movie makes a point out of showing the audience that creativity can allow for multiple variations of objects to be made out of a common parts assortment. This could certainly help encourage children to be creative and try new things. The weakness of the set is that it did not get much screen time in the movie. Kids seem to readily identify sets such as Cloud Cuckoo Palace or Lord Business' Lair as the more iconic scenes. The vehicle only shows up the movie for mere seconds, which kind of inhibits its exposure. Nonetheless, it is an excellent choice for a set, and I think both kids and adults alike could enjoy assembling this. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Son
Build Time:
01 hrs
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0found this review helpful.
 Dol Guldur Battle
Dol Guldur Battle
Dol Guldur Battle
Posted:March 1, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
4 / 5
4 / 5
Lots of play features
" Although this not be my favorite set in the new Hobbit wave (Lake Town gets my vote), this should be popular with kids.
This is the set to get if you want Azog. He is menacing and a bit larger than other minifigures. Radagast is another exclusive figure to this set. He has some nice details like the feather in his cap and his printing. Gandalf is the same as the other versions with hair that have come out. There are two Gundabad orcs, which are decent bad guys. I do however prefer the two from the smaller Dol Guldur Ambush set due to the hair and weapons selection. Then you have the Necromancer. I do not complain often, but am disappointed with the way the minifigure was done. It just seems incomplete and is lacking the menacing quality he should have.
The build is interesting. Although dark grey is the dominant color, there is not too much repetition in the build. The kids will really enjoy the play features such as a hidden sword attack, a hidden ring to discover, a cage which can be released, a catapult, and a turning feature revealing the Necromancer. The play features combined with the minifigures should keep the kids busy. The smaller Dol Guldur Ambush set can attach to this one and expand the play possibilities. This will also give you more orcs to add give it a more battle atmosphere.
Even if the prospective buyer does not know the Hobbit storyline, this set should appeal to castle fans. You have a large ruin of a fortress, two wizards, and some interesting badguys. Overall, not a bad set, although I tend to favor Lake Town and the Mirkwood Elf Army. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Self
Build Time:
01 hrs
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
I would recommend this to a friend!
2of 2found this review helpful.
 The Flying Flusher
The Flying Flusher
The Flying Flusher
Posted:January 31, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
4 / 5
4 / 5
Joe the Plumber!
" After purchasing the Ice Cream Machine, I thought we would try another one of the three 2 in 1 vehicle builds offered in the Lego Movie line. I built the micromanager first, and then assembled the van. After that, I took it apart in order to build the Flying Flusher itself.
Three minifigures are standard in the 2 in 1 sets. You have a plumber named Joe along with his apprentice. The third minifigure is Dr. McScrubs, who is apparently being pursued by the micromanager.
The robot is easy to build. It has some interesting folding legs and two flick fire missiles for play action.
If you build the van, this will include the vehicle as well as a port-a-potty structure. The van is well designed and fits nicely with city vehicles. It has a few stickers for enhancement. There are plenty of assorted tools and plungers as well. The toilet has "water" pieces to simulate an overflowing problem. The van itself might seem a bit smaller to the other vehicles in this series, and that can be attributed to using the pieces for the toilet build in addition to the van.
We then went on to make the Flying Flusher. The kids really like it. It resembles an airplane made out of plumber components. You have two wheels up front, a propeller made of tools, wings, a cockpit, and another place for a minifigure to set. There are a lot of play features including flick fire plungers. This model is significantly larger in appearance than the van. The wings and tail make it appear quite large in comparison. In short, it is a very fun vehicle, and would probably inspire kids to come up with interesting creations of their own. I suspect this is the intention of the Lego movie itself. Any of the three 2 in 1 vehicles would be good for exploring creativity. I suppose it comes down to personal preference when deciding which one to choose. This particular set does offer a nice array of pieces and some good characters. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Son
Build Time:
30 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
14of 16found this review helpful.
 Ice Cream Machine
Ice Cream Machine
Ice Cream Machine
Posted:January 20, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
4 / 5
4 / 5
Good vehicle build
" This the first Lego movie set we have purchased. I bought it because I wanted some vehicles for our city layout, and there has never been an ice cream truck before (at least not to my knowledge). Indeed there is a choice of building the regular ice cream truck or building a whimsical flying machine. This review mainly covers the regular truck since we did not build the flying version.
A micro manager robot is included, which has three of the flick fire missiles. Soon, the plot line of the movie will reveal the significance of these builds. The robot will be a play feature mainly enjoyed by children.
Three minifigures are included. One is a lady jogger, and the other two are workers on the ice cream truck in uniform. They are unique to this set as far as I know, and would all make a nice addition to a town setting.
On to the truck, this is the first pinkish thing I have bought, however the colors seem fine for an ice cream truck. There are lots of interesting pieces such as scoops of ice cream, popsicles, and a very large ice cream cone on top of the truck. Anyone wanting to build their own ice cream shop would probably find these pieces useful. There are stickers, which of course took the majority of my time to apply, because I really like them as centered as possible. The truck has a decent size compared to a city vehicle. There were plenty of spare parts left over, because you do not use all of the pieces provided. Some are reserved for the alternate build. I am sure most kids and many adult enthusiasts would enjoy this set. It is different, and not typically the type of thing I buy, but again---there has never been an ice cream truck before. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Son
Build Time:
45 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
4of 5found this review helpful.
 Parisian Restaurant
Parisian Restaurant
Parisian Restaurant
Posted:January 11, 2014
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
An instant classic
" After much anticipation, I ordered this on Jan 1. I built this over three days between jobs, and it was a fun experience.
What makes this modular different is the amount of detail invested into both the interior and exterior. Ultimately, the building itself is a bit smaller in bulk than the others, however the detail makes up for it. When you open the parts bags, you notice that most of the parts are fairly small. Yet, they come together to make this fantastic creation.
The minifigures are basically those you would expect. You have a waiter, a chef, a romantic couple (the guy has a ring), and a lady on a moped. The moped appears new and should be popular.
The ground floor has the most detail and space. It features indoor and outdoor seating, just like you would expect in Paris. The restaurant sign and the menu outside are printed tiles. There are many details outside such as the bench, the menu, the croissant left on the table, and flowerpots featuring a new piece. In the back, you have a door and colorful awning leading to a trash can and a dumpster. A rat awaits the content of the dumpster, which is well designed. Inside the dumpster are bones, purple grapes, and two hot dogs. The details are amazing inside as well. The kitchen is completely tiled, as is the main seating area. A few studs are left showing to allow for figure placement. Nice detail is afforded on the lamps, the curtains, the refrigerator, oven, and utensil rack. The great variety of parts here makes the build very interesting.
Above the ground floor is a terrace with even more seating. It can be removed to allow for access to the kitchen. An apartment occupies the next floor, and it is detailed as well. Outside are large windows and balconies with flowers. The inside contains a reclining chair, lamp, a Murphy bed, and a kitchen. There is also a nice fireplace with good detail on the inside and out.
The top floor contains an artist's studio. The palette and paintbrush are there to add to the highlights. A fireplace/furnace is also on this level, and I really enjoyed the detail on this. The roof is hinged to allow access to this. The details include some interesting pieces such as feathers, shells, and white croissants to give the building a Baroque appearance. Here, you will also find a lot of nice blue curved pieces to make the roof.
There are a wide variety of bricks included. The olive green color seems to work well here, along with the greys, blues, and whites. Of course, the leaves and flowerpots really add to the color and outward appearance. In my opinion, this will be a favorite modular for many. It might even convince some people to try building in Lego just to achieve this model. It could be great as a stand alone build, or as part of the modular town. I believe this was worth the effort, and the final result is very pleasing. Some photos have been included to show some details. "
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I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Self
Build Time:
07 hrs
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
114of 143found this review helpful.
 Lake-town Chase
Lake-town Chase
Lake-town Chase
Posted:December 31, 2013
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Good fantasy setting
" After watching the movie, it is easy to see why a set featuring Lake Town would be produced. The set has strengths in the minifigure selection as well as the appearance of the build.
Bilbo is the same as in other sets, however they did have to place him in at least one set for this wave. Thorin is included, although in a more plain outfit than Attack of the Wargs. Then you have Bard, who is introduced here with his large bow. The Lake Town guard will likely be a favorite, especially with army builders. The printing is great on him as well as the Master of Lake Town, who is also unique to this set.
The boat is very nice and of reasonable size. You get a barrel, which ties in with the previous Barrel Escape set. There is a small catapult, and two very nice shields on either side. The instructions call for one oar, however an extra was provided.
There are two buildings in the set. One is a sort of armory with some nice weapons, and the other is a prison cell structure. A banner with a sticker suggests that it also doubles as a locksmith business. The details are nice, and make it appear as a medieval setting. White pieces are used here and there to represent snow. It does help with setting the mood in the scene.
The only thing I would change is to add another large barrel to the set. That way, both Bilbo and Thorin could hide. I am also considering purchasing more fish from pick-a-brick to use with the barrels (if you saw the movie, you will understand the motive). This is certainly another nice and iconic scene from the Hobbit series. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Self
Build Time:
01 hrs
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
3of 4found this review helpful.
 Mirkwood™ Elf Army
Mirkwood™ Elf Army
Mirkwood™ Elf Army
Posted:December 29, 2013
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Nice battle pack
" Mirkwood Elf Army is essentially presented as a battle pack since the minifigures are the main reason for purchasing the set. For the price, you get 6 minifigures, which is a good ratio.
Two Gundabad orcs are included. One of them wears shoulder armor. They are accompanied by a brown warg, which is so far unique to the set. A saddle can be used with the warg, or a block can be inserted into the gap in its back. The jaws can be moved up and down.
The main feature is of course the various elves. Thranduil, the Elvenking is presented much to the appreciation of Middle Earth fans. He has printed armor, a specially molded crown, and a cape. There are two identical elf archers with nice printing, green hoods, quivers, and bows. Another elf has a hairpiece and carries a nice dagger.
The outpost itself is fairly small, however it can be expanded or modified with the purchase of additional sets. Since only Thranduil is unique, many people will feel motivated to expand their army and make the fort larger. There are some nice pieces included in the fort build including hinges and arch pieces. The browns, tans, and greens are useful. I also appreciated the small details such as the shields, the statue, and the hidden barrel.
Some action features are also present. The launcher at the top of the rotating tree can send a figure fairly far if you tried. There is also the obligatory flick fire missile. A ladder is provided for the attacking orcs.
I would rate the set fairly high for the play and display value. The pieces are all very useful whether used for this set or other purposes. If you are trying to build an elf army, this is certainly the set to get. If you are trying to build a Gundabad orc army, then the smaller Dol Guldur set might be the better way to go as far as cost is concerned. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Self
Build Time:
30 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0found this review helpful.
 Race Car
Race Car
Race Car
Posted:December 28, 2013
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Well designed vehicle
" My son immediately chose this for himself when we went into the Lego store. With the nice low price, it was easy to purchase it for him. Children and collectors alike will probably find this small set attractive. It is colorful, and appears in the familiar colors of the Octan theme. Stickers also go along with the build to add the numbers and Octan logo. The trophy is nice as I have not seen this elsewhere. Also included is the race car driver with a face shield over the helmet that can be adjusted. The build is easy, but the look is nice. If you or the person you are buying this for enjoys Lego and are on a budget, this will probably be a nice choice. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Fort Worth
State:  Texas
From:  United States
Age: 35-44 years old
Building Experience:  Advanced LEGO builder
Purchased For: Son
Build Time:
10 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Easy
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
4of 5found this review helpful.