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amazed78's Reviews
5 of 10
 Brick Bank
Brick Bank
Brick Bank
Posted:March 27, 2016
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Intermediate LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
10251 Brick Bank
" Lego Creator set 10251 Brick Bank is the latest addition to the modular building series. The set contains 2380 pieces, which means that of the modular buildings still in production only Parisian Restaurant has more pieces than this one (2469 to be exact). There are five minifigures included in this piece count, two females (a woman and her daughter, as implicated by the product summary) and three males (the bank manager, his secretary, and a teller). For those who, like myself, have clumsy fingers, I'm glad to say there are no stickers in this set. All the wonderful window decorations are, indeed, printed. Although the name suggests that the building is only a bank, there is also a one-room laundromat on the ground floor of it.
The build is divided into four sections, which means that the plastic bags containing the bricks and pieces are each numbered from 1 to 4. There are multiple bags for each section, so make sure you open all the right bags at the right time. Bags 1 to 2 contain the pieces for most of the ground floor, while bags 3 to 4 are needed to complete the detachable ground floor chimney, the immensely cool black corner clock, and both the top floor and the roof of the building. There is only one thick booklet, which I really liked, as it means that there are less of them to misplace.
The build is very long and in some places complicated as well, but the instruction booklet highlights the pieces which are new to each stage. This is done by drawing a thin yellow line around the outline of each new piece or piece cluster. Although I find this build quite challenging, the age recommendation of 16+ years is perhaps a bit too high. There is some repetition (esp. the columns and pillars) in this build, but, in my opinion, not too much and this is outweighed by the innovative use of bricks in the other parts of this annoyingly perfect set. The only real problem I encountered was putting together the ornamental section right above the bank's front doors. The assembly is far from stable until the final layer of flat tiles is placed on it. And yet again, the set is so fantastically fun to build that I had to force myself to leave it uncompleted, or I would have stayed up all night, building until my fingers bled.
There is an abundance of brand new bricks or new recolors of older ones in this set. A large proportion of the printed pieces are completely new and probably will remain exclusive to the set, while the sand green window frames are probably the most noticeable recolor of old existing pieces (the number of those sand green windows is 34, if someone needs to know). There are four of the new bow windows in the set, the sand green color is new and the Brick Bank is only the second set ever to include them (the first one being Heartlake Grand Hotel where the piece was tan/brick yellow).
I just love the looks of this set (all that detail makes my eyes go moist), and the play features are pure genius. I thought that the cookie-smuggling operation featured in the Detective's Office was the best thing since sliced bread, but I have to admit that the money-laundering scheme going on in the Brick Bank might top even that! My definite favorites are the functioning vault door, corner clock, chandelier, typewriter and espresso machine, and the design of both of the desks on the top floor is simply amazing.
My only complaints are that some of the interior is a few studs too narrow for my hands and the glass door leading to the stairs does not open up completely. The two side walls are a bit rough-looking, but they are meant to be covered by other modular buildings. I was also a bit baffled by the fact that most of the lovely sand blue pieces are hidden from view.
Again a perfect set for any modular building collection. Thank you Lego design team! "
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Product Recommendations
Pet Shop
4.8 out of 5(171)
Parisian Restaurant
4.9 out of 5(262)
Detective’s Office
4.6 out of 5(191)
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Intermediate LEGO builder
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
3of 7found this review helpful.
 Ghostbusters™ Ecto-1
Ghostbusters™ Ecto-1
Ghostbusters™ Ecto-1
Posted:January 16, 2016
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Ghostbusters Ecto-1
" Ghostbusters Ecto-1 is a set of 508 pieces, and to the joy of those who dislike stickers, there are none included in this set. The pieces are enwrapped in a neatly printed, sturdy box together with a 103-page manual with very thick covers. The bags inside are not numbered, but this should not be a problem because of the relatively low piece count. The instruction manual begins with the introduction of the Ghostbusters movie and some facts about the car. After the building instructions there is some information about the person who posted the proposition on the Lego Ideas website (a.k.a. Lego Cuusoo), Brent Waller, and the set designers.
The set includes four minifigures (with proton packs): Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler and Winston Zeddemore. All four minifigures have double-sided heads and printing on both the front and back of their tan-colored torsos while their legs have no printing on them. The torsos are identical except for the nametags: all figures have their initials on the front and their first name on the back. There are three new printed pieces, the dark yellow 1x2 flat tile with the ECTO-1 licence plate printed on it, the 2x2 white curved slopes or bowed plates with the Ghostbusters logo, and the 2x2 black round slide shoes that are a part of the proton packs.
The build begins with the assembly of the minifigures, the proton packs and a nice black, white, and yellow display stand with the Ghostbusters logo on the front. The rest of the build is dedicated to the car. The build is not very difficult, but the assembly of the fiddly bits that consist of 1x1 round plates or some other small parts can be surprisingly time-consuming. For me, personally, the awe-inspiring side windows were the most difficult to get into place, because the fit is extremely tight: all the pieces need to be pressed together very firmly. Getting the light gray T-pieces attached to the blue rubber tube was a bit difficult, too, and I also managed to break the car in half while building it, before securing the underside with the black slide shoes (design ID 2654).
The car seats three of the Ghostbusters comfortably, but if needs must, all four figures can be squeezed into the car (three in front and one sitting behind the three in front of the tracking computer), but the neck brackets have to come off first and their arms need to be arranged mostly in upward position. There is not enough room for all the proton packs in the car, but I don't think that is a major flaw. I don't mind that the car doesn't have opening doors, the hinges would probably have ruined its sleek figure.
The set is so fantastic that I find it hard to find fault with anything. There are a few exposed studs that might have benefited from covering up and the design of the front fenders is perhaps not the best of all, but I'm just clutching at straws here. I, personally, would have been overjoyed if the proton packs had included some kind of representation of the particle streams that you're not supposed to cross (this part could have been, for example, element number 4514700). All in all, a definite must-have for Ghostbusters fans! "
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Product Recommendations
4.6 out of 5(123)
Doctor Who
4.9 out of 5(98)
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Build Time:
01 hrs
Build Time:
45 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1found this review helpful.
 Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Posted:January 16, 2016
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Doctor Who
" The Lego set Doctor Who includes 623 pieces, zero stickers, four minifigures, and two Dalek figures. And yet again, both the box and the instruction booklet are of superior quality when compared to an ordinary Lego set. The 127-page instruction booklet begins with an introduction of the TV series this set is based on, and the minifigures included in the set. The booklet ends with a few words from both Andrew Clark whose idea the set was, and the Lego set designers who refined and finalized it for production. The bags are not numbered, which should not be a problem for builders the age of 10 years or older, which is the recommended age for this particular set.
The four minifigures are the Eleventh Doctor, the Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and a Weeping Angel. All four of the figures have printing on both sides of their torsos, and also in the front of their legs or dress piece, as in the case of the Weeping Angel. The Clara Oswald minifigure has the most complicated print on her legs. Three of the minifigures have double-sided heads. The Twelfth Doctor has only one expression, but his hairpiece is completely new. The hairpiece of the Weeping Angel figure has not been previously available in this color. The set includes a number of new printed pieces (such as all those on the blue police box), as well as a few old pieces in completely new colors which one can only get by purchasing this set (such as the dark blue window panes and frames).
The build is not too difficult, but I think a novice builder might find some parts of it slightly cumbersome. For me, personally, the most complicated part of the build was the protruding tower-like contraption at the center of the console room, because it has to be positioned very carefully in order to get the consoles that are attached to its underside to line up as shown in the instructions. The two gadget-racks on the sides of the console room were also a bit tough to attach to their holders, which had to be tweaked just a bit to make everything fit perfectly.
I like the police box design and appearance very much. I suppose anyone trying to build scenes from London in Lego form will jump at the opportunity to get it. The console room certainly looks interesting and is full of exciting details. The minifigures are excellent and when it comes to the Weeping Angel, terrifyingly so. The combination of the police box and console room is surprisingly sturdy and can be lifted as one piece without anything falling off. I do wish there was a place to store the roof of the police box while it is not in use.
As I'm not a big fan of the show, and have seen only a few complete episodes, I suppose I don't appreciate all the details of she set in the loving manner they should be appreciated. Nevertheless, here are some of the observations I made while building and playing with the set:
1) One non-winged standing minifigure can be fitted into the police box when it's closed, but the fit is tight and I found it best to have the minifigure's arms bent down when trying this. It definitely won't do any harm to bend the figure towards the non-opening side of the police box from the waist up, either. I compromised, and have one minifigure sitting on the ledge inside the box.
2) Because of the circular arrangement of the consoles around the central tower-like thingy, positioning the minifigures around it can be a bit awkward since the studs on the floor are in straight lines. I solved this (imaginary, nit-picking, perfectionist) problem by using two of the extra 1x1 round studs (one clear, one transparent light blue) that come with the set. When placed under one leg of a minifigure, the figure can rotate (standing on that one stud) in any direction.
3) I also found it a bit strange that the police box does not open from the side that has "pull to open" printed on one of the window panes.
4) I noticed that the base of the police box consists of a larger 6x6 plate surrounded by two 1x6 plates and a 1x1 plate. Unfortunately, the combination of the two 1x6 plates and the 1x1 plate at the edge of the base can be peeled off only with little effort. This is a minor problem and does not affect the playability of the set, unless the police box is placed on a larger baseplate in which case the whole bottom of the box gets separated from the rest of it when trying to pry it off the baseplate (well, at least it happened to my police box on a gray 48x48 baseplate).
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Product Recommendations
4.6 out of 5(123)
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1found this review helpful.
Posted:December 26, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class
" WALL•E is a set of 676 pieces, but I have to say that it felt as though the piece count was much higher than that, because there are not too many tiny 1x1 pieces included. Even before opening the seals it is obvious that this is a deluxe set: the box is of better quality and design than those of regular Lego sets. Even the 127-page manual is printed on thick and luxurious paper, and beside the instructions, it contains a few words both about the movie this set is based on, and the designer of the set, Angus MacLane. The bags inside are not numbered, but, in my opinion, this is not a problem, because of the relatively low piece count.
The bright light orange color that is used on WALL•E is a newish and rarish color from around year 2012 and has not appeared in too many sets before this. This set contains a few pieces that have not been available in this particular color before. There are also three new printed tiles: an orange 2x4 flat with the word 'WALL', an orange 2x2 flat with '•E', and a black 2x2 flat with the words 'solar charge level' and a charge level indicator printed on them.
I loved this build from the very beginning. While it is not utterly difficult, the technic bits can be a bit intimidating for a non-experienced Lego builder. I had my doubts about managing to build the treads (rolling tracks) of WALL•E correctly, but in the end it was not too hard. Just make sure to follow the instructions exactly as they are printed and even a not-that-technically-oriented person can build this set without a hitch. The technic pins are supposed to be pushed as far as they go, but if the part is completely hollow and open in both directions, I have found that using a hard and flat surface to stop the pin from going too far works really well.
The Lego version of WALL•E resembles the movie version very closely and the result is simply adorable. There are only a few exposed studs on the model, which makes it look smooth, complete and near to perfection. I suspect my particular WALL•E already has the new neck, which is not too floppy at all. The rolling tracks are a bit stiff for a smooth (for example wooden) surface, but if placed on a little rougher surface (such as a short pile carpet) they will make a nice rattling sound and work perfectly. I noticed that when WALL•E reaches forward with his arms and extends them as far as they can go, they can get caught on the light gray pieces on the sides of his chest, so there's not a problem with the sliding mechanism, as I first thought, but perhaps one with over-extensive armpit bricking. :) In my opinion, WALL•E's cockroach friend is a bit oversimplified and it would have been very nice indeed to have a new mold for him.
A definite thumbs-up for this set, it is worth every penny. A must-have for all WALL•E fans! "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0found this review helpful.
 Droid™ Escape Pod
Droid™ Escape Pod
Droid™ Escape Pod
Posted:December 25, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
The Escape of the Droids
" This set consists of 197 pieces, seven stickers, of which four are very large, and three minifigures: two Jawas, C-3PO, and an R2-D2 figure. The Jawas have short legs, they are dressed in reddish brown clothes and hoods, and both are armed with different type of ion blasters. At first, their torsos might seem identical but further examination reveals that they actually aren't. Both Jawa torsos have printing on the front and back, though, but their legs have none. C-3PO is pearly gold and also his torso has front and back printing, whereas his legs have printing only on the front. R2-D2 has a flat silver head with printings going round it, a white body with printing on the front, and white legs.
The escape pod is, in my opinion, a superb contraption that opens up completely. C-3PO and R2-D2 fit in in perfectly, and there are even studs for R2-D2's legs to keep him from rattling around the pod when it hurtles through space (or perhaps somebody's living room). C-3PO is the designated driver, mainly because he's the only one equipped with actual hands to grip the handlebars. The build is conducted in two stages, and is while not being too difficult, it is interesting, and the result is very cool. I especially like the looks of the trans-orange engine exhausts at the back and the way they're attached to the pod. I suspect the 2x2 black tile printed with the top-secret Death Star plans is a new piece.
The official pictures of this set show gray round (possibly radar dish) pieces under the minifigures but these are not included in the set. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Build Time:
40 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
9of 10found this review helpful.
 Carbon-Freezing Chamber
Carbon-Freezing Chamber
Carbon-Freezing Chamber
Posted:December 25, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Han Solo's Plight
" The set contains 231 pieces, three minifigures (Han Solo, Boba Fett and an Ugnaught), and Han Solo as a block of carbonite, which has made an appearance in only three sets before this. Han Solo is dressed in brown pants and a white shirt with printing only on the front, and he has a double-sided head. Funnily enough, Han Solo's hairpiece does not cover the backward-facing expression completely, so the result is slightly unfinished. Boba Fett is wearing a bit scratched green and gray space suit with printing both on the front and back, and a light green jet pack. The Boba Fett figure has a face identical to those of the Imperial Troopers in set 75134, which is something I did not expect. I believe the short-legged Ugnaught figure is, so far, unique to this particular set. He is attired in dark blue overalls and a gray shirt. For some reason, the color of his hands does not match the color of his face, but perhaps he is wearing gloves.
The black, gray, and trans-orange carbon-freezing chamber is built in two stages and the result is a semi-circular structure with some cool play features. My definite favorite is the rotating freeze bed, but there is also an elevator, a staircase illuminated by trans-orange lights, and a mystery function lever on the opposite side from the elevator. The pictures on the back of the Lego cardboard box do show Han Solo attached to the hinged bed the lever moves but I don't have the slightest idea of what it is supposed to do or be. I have to admit that it took me a few minutes to understand that the elevator is supposed to stay up by bending the handle that is used to move it up and down. There is also a freeze bed control center which is equipped with a nice printed 2x2 tile for the control center panel. The build is not overly difficult, but for me, personally, the most challenging part (again) was building with the Technic pieces. Some of them tend to be a bit tight and some look plain frightening!
The official pictures of this set show gray round (possibly radar dish) pieces under the minifigures but these are not included in the set. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Build Time:
40 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
6of 6found this review helpful.
 Santa's Workshop
Santa's Workshop
Santa's Workshop
Posted:December 24, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
Santa's Workshop, Workshop, WORKSHOP!
" Santa's Workshop is a medium sized set of 883 pieces, and six stickers. The set contains six minifigures, Santa Claus in a traditional red and white outfit and a white beard, Mrs. Claus in matching colors and white hair braided around the crown of her head, and four elves in various hues of blue, red, and green. Two of the minifigures (Mrs. Claus and one elf) have double-sided faces.
The set includes are two booklets, and all the magic of building this Lego set happens in three phases. First phase includes the building of Santa himself, the baby reindeer, the North Pole sign, the Christmas tree, Santa's sleigh and the four adult reindeer that attach to the sleigh. Second step is all about building Mrs. Claus and Santa's home, and the final stage includes the four elves, their workshop, and the toy making machine. The build itself is not overly difficult and there is very little repetition save for the four reindeer, and the sides of the sleigh. I had no major problems during the build, and the hardest part (well, except for the stickers) was to follow the instructions to a tee. At one point I thought I was a better builder than the design team, but was proven wrong (again) and had to backpedal a bit.
I really, really like the looks of this set, it is simply gorgeous! The curved windows and doors and the dripping snow effects are so cute that they make my eyes ache. I also really like that the two parts of the building are not linear (on a straight line), but at an angle to each other. The gorgeous stained glass window is my favorite followed very closely by the fantastic stone pillars that are on both sides of Santa's front door. The red, black, and silver-colored toy machine is also brilliantly designed with its exhaust pipes, levers, and gauges, and the revolving thingamajig on top of it is priceless. I also think the design and colors of Santa's sleigh and chair are just perfect, and even the reindeer are brilliantly executed.
The set is so perfect it's very hard to find anything wrong with it, so I'll have to nitpick: Santa's reindeer are a bit too close to each other and their horns get caught; Mrs. Claus' torso definitely needs a white skirt and not a red one, and her facial expressions are perhaps a bit harsh for a 'woman in her position', i.e. no broad smile on her face, but then again, maybe she is just stressed out by all the elves running around; and Santa's room is a wee bit small for such an important person. A light brick would've been an extremely good addition (perhaps behind the stained glass window), and I would have really appreciated the inclusion of some trees, such as in 10249 Winter Toy Shop (design numbers 3471 and 2435). The toy selection is perhaps a bit on the small side, and the addition of an extra elf or two would've been great, although I don't think Mrs. Claus would agree with me on this one.
My set had an extra red ball joint (design number 32474), so I decided to name one of the reindeer Rudolph and replaced his brown nose with a red and shiny one. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Product Recommendations
Winter Toy Shop
3.8 out of 5(142)
Pet Shop
4.8 out of 5(171)
Parisian Restaurant
4.9 out of 5(262)
Detective’s Office
4.6 out of 5(191)
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Build Time:
03 hrs
Build Time:
20 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1found this review helpful.
 Winter Toy Shop
Winter Toy Shop
Winter Toy Shop
Posted:December 24, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
4 / 5
4 / 5
Winter Magic in Lego Form
" Winter Toy Shop is a set of 898 pieces. There are eight minifigures included in the set and the amount of stickers this set contains is zero, which I'm very happy about. All the minifigures (five adults and three children) are marvelous; all of them have printed torsos and one female caroler even has a cape and to top that, some printing on her black skirt. Four of the amazing minifigures have two faces, which is, in my opinion, a huge plus and I'd like to thank the design team especially for that.
There are two booklets for the two stages of the build. First stage is the assembly of the bench, streetlight, large tree and various toys. Second stage is building the actual toy shop. The build was on the easy side even for a newbie such as myself, so the buyers expecting an expert level build might be in for a bit of a disappointment. For me, personally, the biggest roof of the toy shop proved to be the most difficult part of the build. I broke some large pieces off the roof when trying to fit it on its hinges because there is only a very limited space to maneuver it and I, apparently, lack the skills needed for the task. I really like the looks of the set, it is (once again) packed with little details that make it look like something out of a fairy tale. My favorite pieces are definitely the light brick and the golden frog.
However, there is always room for some improvement: I found that the toymaker's work area is a bit small, so the building could have been maybe two studs wider than it is now. I also found it slightly baffling that a small boy should wear an Octan shirt, which I'd expect to find on an adult, but I suppose he is a big fan of the Octan Racing Team or something like that. The red scarf he's wearing does obscure the logos in the front and at the back. The blue and orange jack-in-the-box is my favorite of the ten toys, but it is a bit wobbly because the 1x1 brick with two knobs which is at the center protrudes slightly from the underside. Also, the two carolers tend to topple over if and when the songbooks are placed in their hands, and finally, there is actually no way to attach the carrot on the face of the "carrot-nosed snowman".
A tip for those who don't know what to do with the extra pieces that come with the set: I attached the extra black roller skate under the red biplane (which now has a landing gear) so now I have one less piece to worry about getting sucked in the vacuum cleaner.
I realize this particular set is a re-issue of set number 10199 from 2009, and that might have upset some die-hard Lego fans, but since did not have the chance to purchase that set six years ago, I'm glad Lego decided to produce an upgraded version of it. I hope to see some other Winter Village re-issues in the future years, but I also hope there will be completely new and wonderful additions to the theme in order to please those who already have the older versions. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Product Recommendations
Parisian Restaurant
4.9 out of 5(262)
Detective’s Office
4.6 out of 5(191)
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Build Time:
02 hrs
Build Time:
30 mins
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1found this review helpful.
 The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
Posted:November 17, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
4 / 5
4 / 5
The Big Bang Theory
" The Big Bang Theory is a set of 484 pieces, 2 stickers, seven minifigures (Leonard, Sheldon, Penny, Howard, Raj, Amy and Bernadette), and Raj's dog, Cinnamon. All minifigures have double-sided heads, which, at least in my eyes, is always a big plus.
Even before starting the build I noticed that the box is, in my opinion, of better quality than the regular Lego boxes and the building manual is printed on much thicker paper than the regular ones. The booklet also includes short biographies of the fictional characters of the TV-show, some quotes from the series, and a short introduction of the two people behind the Ideas set (Alatariel and Glen Bricker).
Generally speaking, this set is an easy and quick build which is divided into two sections. The most difficult part of the build, at least for me, was to get the 1x1 plates that are the legs of the sofa and the armchair to line up properly. The set includes a few new and very nice printed flats (plus the 1x1 bricks used as take-away food cartons) and some other new pieces in rare colors. There is an abundance of great accessories: the telescope is my definite favorite, but also the red and blue minifigure trophies are simply astonishing. While the build does not include any groundbreaking building techniques, using a gun as a part of the desk lamp definitely made me grin.
Just a few minor things bothered me about this set:
1) Of the female characters, only Amy can sit on the couch or the beige armchair, the rest have to perch, because their hair is too bulky.
2) The black armchair is built in such a way that a minifigure won't latch onto it.
3) Raj's dog Cinnamon is really not a chihuahua, but a yorkie.
This set is a surprisingly accurate depiction of Leonard and Sheldon's living room. It is undoubteldy a must-have for those The Big Bang Theory -fans who also love Lego. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Product Recommendations
Detective’s Office
4.6 out of 5(191)
Parisian Restaurant
4.9 out of 5(262)
From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
3 / 5
3 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1found this review helpful.
 MetalBeard's Sea Cow
MetalBeard's Sea Cow
MetalBeard's Sea Cow
Posted:November 10, 2015
Customer Avatar
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
5 / 5
5 / 5
All Hands to the Deck!
" MetalBeard's Sea Cow (70810) is simply a great set. I'd say the epicness of this set is in level with that of The Tower of Orthanc (10237). There are 2741 pieces, 23 stickers, four minifigures (Benny, Emmet, Vitruvius and Wyldstyle) and two other characters (MetalBeard and Queasy Kitty) from The Lego Movie in this set. The ship is huge (58 cm x 61 cm x 19 cm), and the manual reflects the massiveness of the build with its almost 300 pages. When completed, the ship is intricately detailed and has an abundance of wonderful or even strange moving parts. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of love that went into designing this set.
I instinctively compared this set to 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush, which was the first ship set that I acquired, and at first glance was disappointed by the shortness of Sea Cow's hull. This set includes only one dark brown "ship middle" piece (ID 95227) whereas Pirate Ship Ambush includes three. However, what the Sea Cow lacks in hull length it makes up for in height, and in reality there is only one centimeter difference in the lengths of the two different ships. Yes, I checked the official Lego site. :)
The build takes a loooooong time, but is not overly difficult. There is some repetition because the ship is symmetrical on both starboard and port sides. For me, the sails and masts proved to be a bit difficult to build because of the abundance of Technic parts, but the only time I made a mistake was when building the bowsprit (the protruding thing with the winged cow on top). I somehow managed to build it so that the black mast piece (ID 48002) had the hollowed side up and ended up pulling off some pins before I could complete that section of the build.
For those who are after rare pieces, there are some finds included in the set. MetalBeard's bicorne hat and his beard are, so far, only found in two The Lego Movie sets and both the globe and the 1x1 flat tile with a keyhole pattern are not too common, either. Also slightly on the rarer side are the reddish brown double convex slopes and a few of the pearl gold pieces, as well as the bottle with the ship printed on the side (which is my favorite piece in this set).
I also have a few complaints:
1) The larger Micro Manager does not sit straight when placed on flat surface because of the protruding structure below its body.
2) The interior of the Sea Cow is very tight for large hands.
3) MetalBeard is just a tad too wide for the "wheelhouse".
4) The ship is definitely not easy to pick up and move around. It is bulky, a bit heavy for a Lego set (almost four kilograms - only a few grams short of 10224 Town Hall) and it has an abundance of parts one can accidentally break off.
The Sea Cow may not score top marks on playability, but its displayability is off the charts. In my opinion, this set is a definite must-have for those who love steampunk or The Lego Movie. I would also highly recommend it for those who like a complicated and time-consuming build. "
I would recommend this to a friend!
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From: Muurame
From:  Finland
Age: 35-44 years old
Customer Type:  LEGO Fan
Building Experience:  Novice LEGO builder
Play Experience (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Value for Money (Optional)
4 / 5
4 / 5
Level of Difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Challenging
I would recommend this to a friend!
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